Puzzle Time: Solving the Three Switches and Bulbs Puzzle

Chenna Reddy
2 min readMay 17, 2024

Hello, curious minds and puzzle enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of brain teasers with yet another classic challenge that’ll get those gears turning.

The Puzzle

Picture yourself in a room, faced with three mysterious light switches, each connected to a different bulb in the next room. Your mission? Figure out which switch controls which bulb, but here’s the catch — you only get to go into the bulb room once. How can you find out which switch goes with each bulb? Let’s shine some light on this together!

AI Generated Image

The Solution

  1. Start by flipping one of the switches to turn on a bulb and leave it on for a bit. This sets the scene for what comes next.
  2. Turn off the first switch and flip another one to turn on another bulb.
  3. Now, step into the room with the bulbs, ready to see what’s what.

Here’s what happens:

  • The bulb that’s shining when you walk in is controlled by the switch that’s still on.
  • You’ll notice one bulb that’s warm but not lit up. That one’s controlled by the switch you turned on and then off.
  • Lastly, there’s a bulb that’s off and cold. That’s the one tied to the switch you never touched.



Chenna Reddy

Jack of all trades, master of none ☆ PhD ☆ ADHD ☆ Interested in learning new things about Cosmos, Mathematics, Physics, Human Psychology, Quantum Mechanics.